Over the last three months this website was taken off a dusty old shelf, trimmed, given a buff and polish, and readied to welcome in the 2020s. Most of the design and updating was done by Chris of Cool Cat Web Design, and though I cut back the content it was a huge job converting what remained. He’s done a fantastic job and has been lovely to work with.
You’ll find the usual information about my books here including extracts and some extra material, as well as short stories and novellas. My old VERY long FAQs page has been divided into ‘Book’ and ‘General’ categories for ease of viewing, and my writing advice page has been updated (it was written in the pre-ebook age!). Once again you can contact me, via a form.
In this blog part of the site I will post occasional news. The mileposts of book writing and publishing tend to be spaced wide apart until the book is released, when there’s a flurry of publicity, and that’s probably a good indication of how often I’ll post, too. I’m not intending to write regular articles, though I might repost some old posts I think are still relevant.
I hope you enjoy my new shiny website. If you’re new, have a look around. There’s a LOT of content here – nothing like polishing up all the pages of text to remind me how much content there is! And if you find a mistake, let me know.