Orbit Live!

Trudi CanavanUncategorized

Next Wednesday in Australia (Tuesday in the US) I’ll be participating in a live interview along with the very talented Devin Madson. (Author of We Ride the Storm – a book that I am currently reading and half wishing that everyone and everything else would go away so I can FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT! It’s very good. Very, very … Read More

Klątwa Kreatorów

Trudi CanavanUncategorized

Today the Polish edition of Maker’s Curse has hit the bookstores. That makes, I think, the Polish edition the first one to come out. My lovely Polish publisher timed the release so that it would be available when I was at Pyrkon, but unfortunately Covid19 forced the cancellation of my appearance there. So enjoy being the First in the World … Read More

Change of Plans

Trudi CanavanUncategorized

I am very sad to have to tell you I won’t be coming to Poland in May. But I will, if all goes well, be attending in 2021. Yep, Covid19 is the reason. Even if I could get travel insurance that would cover my travels during a pandemic, borders are closed, self-quarantine required for anyone returning to Australia from overseas, … Read More

Maker’s Curse Cover Reveal

Trudi CanavanUncategorized

Here it is… I love it! The cover fuses elements from the previous three covers of the Millennium’s Rule series, and conveys a sense of both unity and threat. That glowering face within the dust storm will draw eyes from across the bookshop to the shelves, or the computer screen. The figures evoke characters who have matured and grown strong, … Read More

I’m in Grimdark Magazine!

Trudi CanavanUncategorized

Earlier this year Adrian from Grimdark Magazine invited me to submit a story. I’ve had a few short story ideas waiting for the time or incentive to write them, so I picked one that I thought might suit. It’s a blend of an idea that came to me at an exhibition of miniature paintings, with a fragment of a personal … Read More